Law Graduate Hat

Law Graduate Program

Russell Kennedy offers an 12 month Law Graduate program rotating through 4 practice groups. Our Graduate Program is designed to provide in depth on the job experience working across different teams within the firm. Spending four months in a practice group provides an opportunity to be exposed to different Principals, clients, and industries that particular teams work with, allowing Graduates to take a deep dive into matters and apply in practice skills learnt from formal studies.

Russell Kennedy also partners with the College of Law to complete their Practical Legal Traineeship within the first 6 months of commencing.

Upon commencement, Law Graduates are allocated a Graduate Lead for their Graduate Program. They meet with their Graduate Lead on a regular basis to discuss their career progression, rotations and assist with personal development. In addition to this, we also allocate Law Graduates a Rotational Supervisor and Graduate Support. They will both assist with the transition from university to full-time employment. We are a signatory of the Law Institute of Victoria and all Seasonal Clerk and Traineeships are made within these guidelines.

The Russell Kennedy Law Graduate Program is only open to those who have completed a Seasonal Clerkship at Russell Kennedy in the past 2 years.

Applications for the Russell Kennedy Law Graduate Program are currently closed

For further information, please contact Carla Viglino, Senior Advisor - People & Culture directly at