It’s the age old dilemma for any cause organisation; how to generate enough cash to fulfil mission. How much is enough? And is enough really enough? In times of constant change, competition from all angles, disruption and ever-more complex operating environments, a focus on growth is a key survival skill for today’s not-for-profits. But the traditional dynamics of growth are often alien to the unique operating environments involved in pursuing Cause.
When Theron Vassiliou started as CEO of Red Nose he knew his leadership was going to coincide with a period of immense organisational and sector change.
Whilst leading one of Australia’s most recognised not-for-profit brands in Red Nose, he was asked to undertake a repositioning for financial sustainability, and a transformational restructure in the period after transition from a federated to national model.
During his time at Red Nose, he led this national charity through that difficult and often soul-searching period and towards developing growth focus, without losing focus on the important purpose of saving the lives of babies and infants, and supporting Australians impacted by the death of a child.
Join us for breakfast to hear how Theron approached the challenge, learn what worked and what didn’t, why he thinks not-for-profit's need to grow, and his observations and experiences from working with several leading charitable brands.