Russell Kennedy Retirement Living Seminar | Retirement Villages Victorian Reform – Navigating the New Act

  • When: Wednesday 26 March 2025
  • Time: 8:30am – 11.00am AEDT
  • Where: In-person: Russell Kennedy, Level 18, 500 Bourke Street, Melbourne or Online: Watch live online via your PC or mobile device using Teams.
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With significant changes to Victoria's Retirement Villages Act on the horizon, this session will provide essential insights to help you stay informed and prepared. Join us for an in-person seminar designed for retirement village owners and operators, village managers, and industry professionals seeking clarity on the upcoming changes to Victoria's Retirement Villages Act.

In this seminar, our presenters will cover:

  • An overview of the new Retirement Villages Act in Victoria
  • Key reforms and their practical implications for operators and residents
  • Next steps in the reform process
  • What's new: A breakdown of the changes introduced by the Amendment Bill
  • What's the same: Key elements that remain unchanged and continue to apply

This session will help you:

  • Understand the key legislative changes
  • Identify the impact on village financial models
  • Consider the practical steps for village operations to be ready for the changes

Presenting will be Rosemary Southgate (Principal), Donna Rayner (Principal), Kathryn Ellemen (Principal), and Jessica Kinnear (Senior Associate) from the Russell Kennedy Retirement Living team.

Who should attend this seminar: 

This seminar is relevant to retirement village owners and operators, village managers and other professionals working in the retirement living sector in Victoria.

Opportunity to submit your questions

To make the session as interactive as possible, you have the opportunity to submit questions before the seminar to

Hybrid Seminar Details

We are utilising Teams to run this seminar. Teams is free to download and can be viewed from your PC/mobile device.

The live seminar is free to attend and attendees will be sent a link automatically to log into the live seminar when registered.

8:30am: arrival for in-person attendees (breakfast provided)

9.00am – 10.30am: formal presentation

10.30am - 11:00am: opportunity to network for in-person attendees

COST: This seminar is free to attend but bookings are essential as places are limited. For more information, please contact our events team.

Register for the seminar here



Rosemary Southgate



Rosemary is a Principal in our Property and Development team and a Law Institute of Victoria Property Law Accredited Specialist. She is focused on delivering quality advice to her clients, practicing in the areas of commercial property, leasing, aged care and retirement villages.

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Donna Rayner

Donna Rayner



Donna delivers expert legal advice to owners, operators and developers of retirement villages in Victoria and New South Wales. Donna also has experience in residential and commercial property transactions and drafting various types of commercial agreements.

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Kathryn Elleman

Kathryn Elleman



Kathryn is an LIV accredited specialist in Property Law, practising in property development, and commercial property transactions. Kathryn has more than 25 years experience acting for property developers in relation to broad acre and medium density developments, including providing specialist owners corporations advice.

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Jessica Kinnear

Senior Associate


Jessica is an experienced retirement living lawyer with over 12 years' experience in property, retirement living and aged care. She has extensive experience assisting retirement village operators with compliance, contract development, conveyancing and dispute resolution.

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Event contact

P +61 3 9609 1555
For more information regarding this webinar please contact our events team.