Corporate Social Responsibility
Russell Kennedy aims to make a positive contribution to the community and takes its responsibilities as a corporate citizen seriously.
Corporate social responsibility at Russell Kennedy consists of three distinct yet equally important divisions:
- the environment;
- leadership and participation; and
- workplace giving.
Russell Kennedy is committed to reducing its environmental impact and promoting environmental awareness among its staff, clients and suppliers, as well as the broader community. With these dual aims in mind, the firm has implemented numerous environmental initiatives, such as regularly calculating its carbon footprint and encouraging sustainable work practices as part of the firm’s obligations as a member of the Australian Legal Sector Alliance ("AusLSA"). AusLSA is an industry-led association working collaboratively to promote sustainable practices across the legal sector, which Russell Kennedy joined in 2009.
Our firm is a proud member of the Australian Legal Sector Alliance. Please take a moment to review our profile on page 162 of the
AusLSA Sustainability Report - 2022 Edition, which was launched in November 2022.

Leadership and participation
Russell Kennedy encourages its staff to contribute to their communities. Many of the firm’s staff serve on Boards and advisory committees for charities and other not for profit organisations, such as Mercy Health, Mental Health Community Legal Centre and Connections Uniting Care. Others engage in mentoring and volunteering, through organisations such as Victorian Women Lawyers and the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.
Workplace giving
Russell Kennedy has a longstanding commitment to workplace giving. The firm nominates a monthly charity to which it invites staff to donate, with past charities including Autism Awareness Australia, Alzheimer’s Australia and the Cancer Council. Russell Kennedy sponsors a child through World Vision, and donates to World Vision’s projects on an ad hoc basis. The firm participates in annual Christmas gift appeals on behalf of charities such as Berry Street and Melbourne City Mission.