Our Male Advocates for Gender Equality initiative provides a framework for our male employees to actively promote and advocate for gender equality. The Male Advocates for Gender Equality support our 2017 Gender Equality Strategy and complements the work of the Russell Kennedy Women’s Network.
Our commitment to gender equality has been recognised by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, who granted us a citation as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE). The citation was awarded after a significant amount of work and implementation of changes, such as introducing a more favourable paid parental leave policy, flexible work arrangements, gender pay equity audits and education in the gender diversity space.
Our Male Advocates for Gender Equality Pledges
Our Male Advocates for Gender Equality have pledged to advance gender equality in four key areas, consistent with our Gender Equality Strategy:
We support flexible work arrangements for all employees and promote positive workplace conditions and attitudes, ensuring that our people are not discriminated against due to flexible work arrangements.
Gender composition
We are spokespersons for gender balance and take proactive steps to understand and avoid gender stereotypes and unconscious biases.We are implementing policies and practices that eliminate gender discrimination and seeking gender balance in our client teams, at conferences, on speaking panels, boards and committees. Where there’s not gender balance, we’re committed to raising the issue. We’ve also adopted equitable briefing practices when briefing barristers.
Gender pay equity
We support equal pay for women and men at Russell Kennedy, within the legal profession, and in the wider business community.
Leader and manager capability
All Russell Kennedy leaders role model positive workplace conditions, cultures and attitudes to ensure men and women have equal opportunity for advancement at our firm. We recruit, develop and retain employees for senior positions based on merit and gender diversity.
For more information on Diversity & Inclusion at Russell Kennedy, read our Working Flexibility profiles and join our Diversity & Inclusion LinkedIn group.