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Christopher Littlewood

Senior Associate

Bachelor of Science (BSc) , Juris Doctor (JD)

  • Government
  • Insurance
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Litigation
  • Personal Injury and Compensation
  • Compensation
  • WorkCover
  • Administrative Law

Christopher is a Senior Associate in Russell Kennedy’s Victorian WorkCover Authority team. He commenced at Russell Kennedy as a law graduate in 2020. He acts on behalf of the Victorian WorkCover Authority, their Agents and the insured in relation to serious injury applications, common law damages and statutory benefits disputes.


  • Conducts litigation in the Supreme, County and Magistrates’ Courts
  • Advising and representing the Victorian WorkCover Authority and their Agents in common law and statutory benefits disputes
  • Assisting clients with litigation and dispute resolution management
  • Advises on insurance litigation
  • Provides advice on occupational health and safety matters