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Ian Pridgeon

Special Counsel

Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Forests Science, Environment and Planning Accredited Specialist (Law Institute of Victoria), Certified Practicing Planner (Planning Institute of Victoria)

  • Water
  • Government
  • Property
  • Planning and Environment
  • Building Regulation
  • Property Disputes
  • Property Law

Ian is a Special Counsel in the Government, Planning and Environment practice. He is a Law Institute of Victoria Environment and Planning Law Accredited Specialist and a Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia. Ian's focus includes delivering quality advice to clients in the areas of town planning, local government, environment and statutory building control.

Prior to his career in law, Ian was involved in the management of natural resources in the State Government and was also a former manager of development approvals with local government. Ian was recognised by Best Lawyers 2020 for expertise in Land use and Zoning Law.


  • Representing local government councils and private developers in relation to complex town planning matters
  • Regular appearances in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal with regard to town planning matters
  • Preparing complex Section 173 agreements
  • Removal and amendment of registered restrictive covenants
  • Relevant industry experience in advising state and local government
  • Advising on statutory building control matters
  • Advising enforcement of planning and building matters
  • As well as a lawyer, Ian is a qualified professional in relation to the management of the natural environment and has worked in the Victorian State Government in that capacity, as well as a manager of planning and development in local councils


  • Recognised by Best Lawyers for expertise in Land Use and Zoning Law (since 2020)
  • Legal Member, Victorian Building Appeals Board
  • Committee member and Fellow, Planning Institute of Australia