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Mary Pirozek


Bachelor of Laws (Hon), Bachelor of Arts

  • Solar & Wind Farms
  • Water
  • Government
  • Building and Construction
  • Planning and Environment
  • Prosecutions
  • Administrative Law

Mary Pirozek is a Lawyer in Russell Kennedy’s Government, Planning and Environment team. Mary advises local government authorities, water authorities and private clients on planning, building, water, and environment law matters. Mary also appears in respect of planning, building, and environmental enforcement and prosecutions.


  • Providing advice to local government bodies, private developers, and objectors on complex planning permit appeals.
  • Representing local government councils and private clients in prosecutions under the Water Act, Building Act, Planning and Environment Act and Road Safety Act.
  • Advising both government and private clients in relation to the Environment Protection Act and Public Health and Wellbeing Act.
  • Appearances before the Magistrates’ Court, County Court, and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.


  • Co-Chair of the Russell Kennedy Pro Bono Climate Justice Sub-Committee.
  • Full Member, Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association.
  • Associate Member, Environmental Health Professionals Australia.