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Michael Cassidy


Bachelor of Applied Science (Computer Science), Juris Doctor, Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice

  • Commercial Advice
  • Intellectual Property
  • Trade Marks and Registered Designs

Michael is an Associate in Russell Kennedy's Corporate and Commercial team, specialising in all aspects of intellectual property (IP) with a particular focus on trade marks. Michael works with clients to manage the full lifecycle of their IP from brand development, to forming protection strategies, to managing Australian and international portfolios, to strategic management and enforcement.

Michael has experience in acting and advising for clients of all sizes in a diverse range of sectors including healthcare, medical products, government, property development, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), food and hospitality, franchising, financial services, industrial and automotive products, insurance, media, marketing, fashion, consumer electronics and software services.


  • Managing extensive Australian and international trade mark portfolios for a number of high profile clients;
  • Securing an order for the transfer of a domain name registered by a cyber-squatter on behalf of a famous Australian food brand;
  • Advising a Japanese consumer business on its Australian rebrand including conducting clearance searches, advising on infringement risks and obtaining protection for suite of trade marks;
  • Negotiating the sale of an Australian clothing retailer’s trade marks to a US entity.