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Morgan Smithe

Senior Associate

Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws (Honours)

  • Workplace Relations
  • Employment and Safety
  • Anti-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
  • Discrimination and Human Rights
  • Employment Advice
  • Employment Disputes
  • Equal Opportunity and Discrimination
  • Industrial Relations
  • Workplace Health and Safety
  • Workplace Agreements

Morgan has experience in a many aspects of employment law, including workplace disputes, workplace investigations and the interpretation of awards and agreements. Since joining the Employment Law team at Russell Kennedy, Morgan has had a particular focus on advising clients in the independent education sector.


  • Assisting independent schools with managing staff, including upholding expected standards of behaviour and performance, responding to complaints and defending legal claims brought by employees
  • Assisting independent schools with managing student and parent relationships and eliminating the risk of child abuse (including by managing mandatory reporting obligations, and appropriately responding to allegations)
  • Assisting local councils and other statutory bodies in managing workplace relations and employment issues
  • Managing and assisting clients in relation to workplace investigations
  • Assisting clients with unfair dismissal and general protections proceedings
  • Negotiating settlements to resolve disputes and litigated matters, including preparing deeds of separation and release
  • Advising on the interaction between enterprise agreements, awards and the National Employment Standards
  • Keeping clients up to date on changes to employment law


  • Committee Member, Russell Kennedy Pro Bono Committee