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Rachel Harris


Bachelor of Global Studies, Bachelor of Laws (Honours)

  • Construction & Infrastructure
  • Government
  • Land Acquisition and Compensation
  • Planning and Environment
  • Prosecutions
  • Administrative Law

Rachel is a litigation lawyer who advises local councils, government departments, authorities and private clients. Her clients value her warm, professional demeanour and her attention to detail. But most of all, they value the results she achieves for them in local law; planning and environment and building prosecutions; planning and environment matters; and land acquisition matters.

Rachel’s open approach to engaging with all parties leads to faster resolutions and more effective negotiations. In particular, she enjoys and finds satisfying work relating to protection of green spaces and native vegetation (prosecution, drafting and advice matters). Rachel is a highly regarded young lawyer with experience in all aspects of case preparation and court appearance work – indeed her strength lies in her depth of understanding of both the provision of advice and facilitating prosecutions.


  • Negotiating for $100,000 to be added to an insurance settlement, for Horsham Rural City Council.
  • In several matters, making submissions to the Judicial Registrar on behalf of councils, resulting in maximum penalties being applied, and full costs awarded.
  • Drafting clauses for complex Section 173 agreements, including one designed to avoid costly prosecution.
  • Represents local councils across Victoria. She has appeared – and resolved proceedings – in multiple Magistrates’ Courts around Victoria as well as in the County Court of Victoria.
  • Has appeared in matters relating to the Planning and Environment Act, Environment Protection Act, Road Safety Road Rules Act, Domestic Animals Act, Building Act, Building Regulations, and various Local Laws for specific councils.
  • Assisted in providing complex advice to private and government clients relating to planning, policy considerations, and prosecution matters.
  • Assisted in matters that have gone before VCAT, the Administrative Review Tribunal, the Mental Health Tribunal, and the Fair Work Commission.
  • Rachel is meaningfully involved in the pro bono space, assisting pro bono clients in climate litigation, protection visa applications, and appealing compulsory mental health orders.


  • Russell Kennedy Reconciliation Action Plan Committee member
  • Russell Kennedy Pro Bono Committee member