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Sonia Turnbull

Senior Associate

Master of Law, Juris Doctor, Master of Business Administration, Master of Arts (Cultural Policy)

  • Planning and Environment
  • Heritage
  • Government Law
  • Administrative Law

Sonia provides specialist legal advice on planning and environment law, heritage, local government law, administrative law, statutory interpretation and renewable development.

Sonia works with clients to help them achieve their outcomes including developing strategies to engage with government through to managing the conduct of proceedings at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Victorian Heritage Council, Magistrate’s Court of Victoria and the Supreme Court of Victoria.

Sonia also works closely with government clients to refine precinct structure plans, development contributions plans, infrastructure contributions plans and run planning scheme amendment process through to hearing at Planning Panels Victoria.

Sonia is solution focused and enjoys working with government departments, authorities, developers, private land owners and objector clients.


  • Advising and appearing on behalf of the Victorian Planning Authority in relation to planning scheme amendments and the preparation of precinct structure plans and development contributions plans.
  • Advising the Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning in relation to planning and environment law, heritage, administrative law, statutory interpretation, local government, energy law, Crown land use and water management;
  • Appearing on behalf of the Minister for Planning, as responsible authority, for various matters before the VCAT;
  • Managing windfarm proceedings at VCAT on behalf of the Minister for Planning;
  • Advising Heritage Victoria in relation to administrative decision making and good governance;
  • Assisting Heritage Victoria with multiple reviews to the Heritage Council;
  • Advising and appearing in VCAT on behalf of local government clients;
  • Assisting commercial clients in relation to maximising compulsory acquisition claims;
  • Managing judicial appeals to the Supreme Court, matters include Hudson Yards Pty Ltd v Minister for Planning [2018] VSC 277;
  • Assisting The Secretary to the Department of Health and Human Services in relation to amending an issued permit for development within the flight path of Royal Melbourne Hospital in the matter Department of Health and Human Services and Melbourne Health v Melbourne CC (Red Dot) [2016] VCAT 2051; and
  • Assisting the Department of Health and Human Services in relation to 7 tranches of social housing planning scheme amendments heard at Planning Panels Victoria.