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Suzanne Manson


Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws, Graduate Diploma in Criminology, Master of Criminal Justice

  • Water
  • Government
  • Property
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Litigation
  • Land Acquisition and Compensation
  • Planning and Environment
  • Local Government

Suzanne mainly practices in compulsory land acquisition and compensation law and has extensive experience acting for Government departments, statutory authorities and private clients.

Suzanne advises on the whole realm of the land acquisition process from acquiring interests in land to resolving claims for compensation under the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 and the Planning and Environment Act 1987, either by negotiation or via complex and lengthy litigation in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal and the Supreme Court.

Suzanne also advises clients on aspects of the Water Act 1989, particularly regarding easements and powers of water corporations and obligations.


  • Extensive experience acting for acquiring authorities and claimants advising on the realm of the compulsory land acquisition process from acquiring land to resolving claims for compensation under the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 and the Planning and Environment Act 1987, either by negotiation or via court process in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal or the Supreme Court of Victoria
  • Advising statutory authorities on aspects of the Water Act 1989, particularly in respect of the authorities' and private individuals' interests in land including interpretation of Plans of Subdivision, easement rights and transfers of land
  • Advising regarding Planning Scheme Amendments and Section 173 Agreements
  • General commercial litigation proceedings in the Magistrates', County and Supreme Courts
  • Previous experience advising owners’ corporations, managers and individual lot members on litigious and non-litigious disputes relating to boundaries, common property, allocation of lot entitlements and liabilities, creation and enforcement of owners’ corporation rules, recovery of fees, implied easements and conversion of common property