Our CPD Series is aimed at Government lawyers who are holders of Practising Certificates needing to obtain points in the compulsory CPD categories before 31st March 2021.
Please join us for 6 sessions facilitated by Russell Kennedy. You will be able to earn up to six CPD points in our series including Ethics, Professional Skills, Practice Management, Business Skills and Substantive Law.
With each webinar session, we are providing the opportunity to submit your questions, before the webinar and during the webinar in our Q&A format.
Please refer to each of the webinar sessions for information on submitting questions.
For more information, please contact Jack via email at events@rk.com.au.
Click on a topic below to read more and register:
Our first session will be relevant to all government lawyers who interact with Intellectual Property(IP), whether it be through funding research, publishing information or contracting with third parties.
Intellectual property is an increasingly important aspect of the day-to-day operations of government. Agencies regularly generate, acquire, license and use a variety of different types of IP. As with the private sector, government has an interest in maximising the value of these assets. However, government has additional obligations around transparency and accessibility consistent with the public interest.
In this session, Russell Kennedy’s IP specialist, Gina Tresidder, will discuss:
- Victoria's official framework for the ownership and management of its IP, as set out in the whole of Victorian Government Intellectual Property Policy Intent and Principles;
- Different forms of IP under Australian law and how these can be protected;
- Additional IP rights specific to government; and
- Case studies illustrating some successes and failures of government to make the most of IP assets
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM AEDT
Date Friday, 12 February 2021
As presented by:
Gina Tresidder
Special Counsel Russell Kennedy Lawyers
Gina is a Special Counsel in Russell Kennedy's Corporate and Commercial team, specialising in all aspects of intellectual property (IP). She assists clients to proactively manage their intangible assets and establish effective and profitable business relationships. She has a wealth of experience advising on all aspects of IP, including trade marks, designs, copyright, confidential information, domain names and consumer protection matters.
This session is worth 1 CPD point in Substantive Law
Watch full recording of this session
Corporate entities present a number of common challenges to investigators at all stages during an investigation. Complex ownership structures can make it difficult to identify the entity that is liable for the offence. Other challenges, if not identified, can lead to the inadmissibility of evidence. It is important for investigators and lawyers involved in prosecuting corporate entities to be aware of these challenges early in the investigation.
This session will cover:
- Brief overview of corporate legal identities;
- Identifying the correct corporate accused;
- Issuing notices to corporate entities;
- Director liability provisions; and
- Interviewing tips to ensure any admissions made are admissible against the corporate entity
In this session, Kylie Walsh, Principal, and Danielle Nicholson, Associate, will discuss these common issues in light of some recent client scenarios and decisions.
As presented by:

Kylie Walsh
Special Counsel - Russell Kennedy Lawyers
Kylie is a litigation lawyer with over 10 years’ experience. Kylie acts on behalf of various government clients and statutory authorities and specialises in prosecution, enforcement, disciplinary and administrative review proceedings.

Danielle is a litigation lawyer with a broad range of experience in administrative law, enforcement proceedings and dispute resolution. Danielle advises and appears on behalf of various federal and state government clients and statutory authorities in all state and federal tribunals and courts.
This session is worth 1 CPD point in Substantive Law
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM AEDT
Date: Friday 19 February 2021
Watch full recording of this session
In this session, Russell Kennedy’s experienced Property team will provide a two-part discussion on the following topics:
Tips and Traps with the Provision of Social and Affordable Housing will be presented by Michael Dowling, Special Counsel and Shaun Burmester, Associate. This is an exploration of some recent experiences and lessons learnt in imposing social and affordable housing obligations on developers when acting for State and local governments.
Retail Leases Update will be presented by Emma Dunlevie, Principal and Samantha Taylor, Special Counsel. They will provide an overview of changes to the
Retail Leases Act that came into effect from 1 October 2020, together with an overview of recent cases that affect retail leasing.
Senior Associate Kate Bartlett, and Associate Melanie Young will also be facilitating this session.
As presented by:

Michael Dowling
Special Counsel - Russell Kennedy Lawyers
Michael practices in the areas of property, local government, property development and subdivisions.&;He is a specialist accredited by the Law Institute of Victoria in property law and has over 30 years’ experience in complex property matters, with particular expertise in the government and local government sectors.

Shaun Burmester
Associate - Russell Kennedy Lawyers
Shaun’s experience is across a wide range of property matters, this includes commercial leasing, property development and local government property work.

Samantha Taylor
Special Counsel - Russell Kennedy Lawyers
Samantha has experience in a variety of commercial property transactions including sales and acquisitions and commercial leasing.

Emma Dunlevie
Principal - Russell Kennedy Lawyers
Emma’s practice covers all aspects of leasing and licensing transactions – retail, commercial and industrial. She acts for tenants, landlords, local government and state government authorities.

Kate Bartlett
Senior Associate - Russell Kennedy Lawyers
Kate is a senior property lawyer with expertise in disposals and acquisitions, leasing, property development and redevelopments and roads. Kate advises on all government property transactions and matters.

Melanie Young
Associate - Russell Kennedy Lawyers
Melanie practises in all areas of property and is experienced in advising local governments, property developers, statutory authorities and private clients on a wide range of property-related issues.
This session is worth 1 CPD point Substantive Law.
Time 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM AEDT
Date Friday, 5 March 2021
Watch full recording of this session
** Please note this session was originally on Friday 26 February, 2021 and has been moved.
The Coroners Court can be a confusing jurisdiction. This session is aimed at those government lawyers who may have the responsibility of guiding a response to a coronial investigation or Inquest. It also has application to any departmental or agency manager or employee that may find themselves involved in a coronial matter, and will help orientate them to the forces that animate these types of hearings.
This session will clearly and concisely be based upon an analysis of a number of ‘golden rules’ which will help in understanding why things work the way they do and assist clients in interacting with the jurisdiction and also contribute usefully to the societal function that the coroners court fulfils.
Principal and highly regarded senior member of Russell Kennedy’s Government team, Ben Lloyd will deliver an invaluable reference point in relation to handling witnesses, evidential management, tactics and the statutory and regulatory framework, and procedure to give attendees confidence in managing interactions with this interesting jurisdiction.
Ben will also discuss some odd but true observations he has made over the years working for Victoria Police and others in the coronial jurisdiction.
As presented by:
Ben Lloyd
Principal - Russell Kennedy Lawyers
Ben is a highly regarded senior member of our Government team with a wide range of experience in personal injury and coronial inquest matters. This includes representing members of Victoria Police in high profile matters including those arising out of deaths in custody, police shootings, appropriateness of aftercare and traffic management in bushfire situations.
This session is worth 1 CPD point in Substantive Law.
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM AEDT
Date: Friday 12 March 2021
Watch full recording of this session
The ‘
Managing Ethical Dilemmas’ session is designed to enhance the ability of practitioners to recognise, redress and prevent ethical problems and to promote ethical best practice.
In this session, guest speaker and Principal of Searl Street Consulting, Anna Hinder will address key considerations to ensuring your conduct is ethical.
This session will cover:
- the intersecting responsibilities in ethical decision making;
- ethical leadership: and
- what you need to do and a framework.
Anna brings an unique understanding ethical responsibilities. The session will include a breakout room exercise for an interactive discussion.

Anna Hinder is the Principal of Searl Street Consulting. With over twenty years of experience in human resources, Anna has held a range of HR business partner and specialist roles in Australia, Asia and Europe. Anna established Searl Street Consulting in 2003 to specialise in the development of professionals. Anna holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Anthropology from the University of Queensland, a Master of Commerce from the University of New South Wales and extensive post-graduate qualifications in leadership, human resource strategy and positive psychology. Anna teaches in the University of New South Wales Law school's Practice Management Certificate, the Macquarie University Law's Schools professional skills and practice subject and is a facilitator with the Scenario Planning executive program at the Said School of Business, Oxford.
Anna’s academic research interests focus on the future of work for existing and emerging professions. Anna holds membership of the Academy of Management, The European Group of Organisational Studies and the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development. Anna continues to be interested in the commercial applications of research into what makes professionals and professional service organisations more effective.
This session is worth 1 point in Ethics.
Time 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM AEDT
Date Friday, 19 March 2021
** The recording for this session will expire at midnight on 31 March 2021.
The recording for this session is unavailable
In the last of our online Government CPD sessions, Emma Turner, Principal and Beatrisa Dubinsky, Lawyer from our Public & Administrative Law team will discuss three common areas where administrative decision makers may fall into error in:
- fact finding and evaluating evidence;
- applying the hearing rule in the provision of procedural fairness; and
- applying policy and guidelines in making decisions.
Our presenters will share some strategies on how administrative decision makers can avoid these traps in the pursuit of making defensible administrative decisions and what government lawyers need to be aware of to make robust and legally defensible decisions.
As presented by:

Emma Turner
Principal - Russell Kennedy Lawyers
Emma advises clients on legal compliance, risk management, policy and procedure development to support good governance and operations, statutory interpretation, good decision-making and procedural fairness, privacy and confidentiality, records keeping and access to information. Emma is also available to undertake investigations of incidents and resolution of complaints.
Beatrica Dubinsky
Lawyer - Russell Kennedy Lawyers
Bea assists clients on complex advisory matters in relation to administrative law, statutory interpretation, regulatory compliance and privacy in the government, health, disability and education sectors. Bea has an applied understanding of the regulatory requirements relevant to her clients and the complex array of legal and policy issues affecting these sectors.
This session is worth 1 CPD point in Substantive Law.
Time 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM AEDT
Date Friday, 26 March 2021
Watch full recording of this session
Webinar Details
We are utilising Zoom to run these webinars. Zoom is free to download and can be viewed from your PC/mobile device.
Attendees will be sent a link to log into the live webinar room 15 minutes before the scheduled start time.
COST: These webinars are free to attend but bookings are essential as places are limited.