
Dual Registration (NDIS and Aged Care) Package for Approved Providers

Victor Harcourt
As providers are aware, on 1 December 2020, residential aged care (RAC) providers delivering services to NDIS participants in their facilities automatically became registered NDIS providers. These providers must now decide whether to renew registration or cease providing services to NDIS participants.

There are also many RAC providers that did not have any NDIS participants on 1 December 2020 but have since begun (or are about to begin) offering services to an NDIS participant. In certain circumstances, these providers may now need to apply for registration with the NDIS Commission.

Who needs to be registered with the NDIS Commission?

Regardless whether you are a transitioned NDIS provider or a RAC provider that has not previously been registered with the NDIS Commission, you will need to either renew or register as a registered NDIS provider where you have a resident who is an NDIS participant and:

  1. the services delivered by the RAC provider are managed by the NDIA under the participant’s plan;

  2. the NDIS participant is in Specialist Disability Accommodation provided by the RAC provider;

  3. there is, or is likely to be, an interim or ongoing need to use an Regulated Restrictive Practice in relation to the NDIS participant in the care provided by the RAC provider; or

  4. the RAC provider must undertake a behaviour support assessment (including a functional behavioural assessment) or develop a Behaviour Support Plan for the NDIS participant as part of the provision of its services. 

Russell Kennedy Dual registration (NDIS and Aged Care) Pack

Our team have developed a range of resources that providers can purchase individually or as a pack to help you to understand how the NDIS intersects with residential aged care and when you should be dual registered. It will also assist you with your compliance requirements by providing guidance on:

  • how dual registered providers can satisfy their NDIS compliance obligations (which includes undertaking an audit)
  • what steps are required to remove NDIS registration
  • how to manage security of tenure obligations if registration is revoked
1. Dual registration documents:

We have developed a guide for RAC providers on whether you should apply for, or renew registration with the NDIS Commission or apply to have it revoked, which includes guidance for the RAC provider on:

  • meeting your NDIS compliance requirements and preparing for audit if you are required to be registered with the NDIS Commission
  • exiting the NDIS regulatory system, including steps for registration revocation and managing security of tenure obligations
2. Training:
  • Training about the new NDIS compliance requirements, presented by webinar (75 min)
  • Provision of PowerPoint for ongoing use
3. Policy:

Review of approved provider’s policies or template policies to ensure compliance with:

  • NDIS Practices Standards
  • NDIS Code of Conduct
  • Incident Management and Reportable Incident obligations
  • Complaints Management obligations
  • Whistleblower protections
  • Worker Screening requirements
  • Regulated Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support requirements

How do I purchase this?

To purchase any of these resources or ask any questions, please send an email to and one of our team members will contact you.

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