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Progress on Victorian Mental Health Royal Commission Recommendation

Published by: Michael Gorton AM

It is just over 12 months since the final Report of the Mental Health Royal Commission was released. The ambitious program of work by the Victorian government, as recommended by the Royal Commission, is underway – noting that the Royal Commission has set out a 10 year plan.

The mental health sector eagerly awaits a number of these significant developments, including a new Mental Health Act this year to provide the framework and architecture for a new system.

The Victorian Government recently noted progress to date including:

  • Releasing the Mental health and wellbeing workforce strategy to set out the steps needed for attracting, recruiting, upskilling and retaining our vital mental health and AOD workforces. This includes investing in more than 1000 new positions across the sector.
  • Determining the first 27 of 60 locations for the new Local Adult and Older Adult Mental Health and Wellbeing Services. These community-based services will act as a ‘front door’ to the mental health and wellbeing system - providing early intervention supports for adults and older adults who are experiencing mental illness or psychological distress.
  • Hundreds of Victorians providing feedback on draft policy proposals to inform the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act. The new act will establish the legal framework for a redesigned mental health and wellbeing system.
  • Providing the largest ever investment in the lived experience workforce, and appointed Victoria’s first Executive Director of Lived Experience, Mary O’Hagan. Building and enhancing the skills of our lived experience workforce means that the right people are at the heart of our system – who can use personal insight to deliver better programs and outcomes for Victorians.
  • Completing the statewide expansion of the Hospital Outreach Post-suicidal Engagement (HOPE) service from12 to 21 Victorian Locations – to provide vital follow-up and aftercare support to people following a suicide attempt.
  • Progressing work to deliver 144 new acute public mental health beds across the state, as well as 82 new forensic mental health beds at Thomas Embling Hospital.

Importantly, work on the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act is anticipated to be finalised in coming months. It is due to be in Parliament this year – as recommended by the Royal Commission.

Russell Kennedy is delighted that Principal, Michael Gorton AM, is chair of the Expert Advisory Group advising government on the proposed new Act.

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