This news story has been covered in Lawyers Weekly.
Russell Kennedy Lawyers is pleased to be publically recognised as an organisation committed to gender equality by the granting of an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) citation for the third straight year.
The Australian Government statutory agency, Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), has today announced the recipients of the citation.
Each year WGEA sets higher standards to achieve the citation to ensure they provide a rigorous and sophisticated roadmap to guide employers along the path.

Pictured from left to right: Peter Cannan, Chief Operating Officer, Russell Kennedy, Libby Lyons, Director WGEA, Catherine Cox, Director - People and Culture, Russell Kennedy
Russell Kennedy's Managing Director, Paul Gleeson, said the achievement is part of a larger firm wide approach: “We continue to prioritise the four key areas of flexibility, gender composition, gender pay equity and leader & manager capability."
"These are documented in a detailed strategy that includes
measurable objectives. Our strategy and the outcomes are reviewed at least
annually to ensure that the benefits are delivered to our people and that we
remain a leading firm for the attraction, promotion and retention of talent.”
It was found in the Employer of Choice for Gender Equality, Leading Practices in Strategy, Policy and Implementation Summary Report that organisations with EOCGE citations "have a faster reduction in their gender pay gap compared to other organisations, as well as a greater proportion of women in all levels of management and a higher representation of women on their boards."
The report also displayed links that "citation holders have a stronger pipeline of women moving into senior management roles".
Russell Kennedy’s Head of People & Culture, Catherine Cox, facilitated the submission of the award: “It is very pleasing to receive the WGEA citation for the third time. Russell Kennedy’s application continues to include flexible work practices, tailored parental leave policies, including the support of foster care for both women and men, initiatives to support the return to work, programs to increase women in leadership and robust analysis and correction of gender pay gaps”.