Russell Kennedy Women's Network Webinar: De Facto Relationships

Webinar Replay


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The webinar was presented by members of the Russell Kennedy Women's Network, Clare Hesrbook, Principal; Amanda Doring, Principal; Ilana Kacev, Special Counsel and Jessica McKinley, Associate.

De facto, domestic partner and civil partner. These are all terms that we have heard before but what do they mean? What are the legal implications of being in such a relationship? Is your partner entitled to your assets if you separate or if you die? Do you have any legal obligations to your partner? How can women protect their rights in a relationship?

The Russell Kennedy Women's Network held this live webinar and Q&A session to help develop your understanding of where you stand and how to empower yourself by taking charge and planning your affairs, whilst also protecting yourself and your estate from any unwanted surprises.


How we can help

If you require any further information on this topic, please contact Clare HesrbookAmanda Doring, Ilana Kacev or Jessica McKinley.

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