Webinar Replay | Russell Kennedy Local Government Property Roadshow - 23 November 2023

Webinar Replay 

Russell Kennedy Lawyers hosted its Local Government Property Roadshow in Melbourne on Thursday, 23 November 2023.

The session involved four presentations by our Russell Kennedy Lawyers which included the following:

  1. Local Government Property Landscape, Governance and Probity
  2. Government Grants and Funding The Context for Property Projects
  3. Property Disputes, Water Act Claims and Insolvency Risk for Contractors
  4. Agreements for lease and leasing practice update

Each session was recorded and presentation slides can be found below. 

The presentations aimed to provide Council officers with valuable knowledge that is integral to local government property transactions.

How we can help

For more information on any of the content covered in this presentation, please contact any of the presenters, or a member of our Property and Development team.

Session 1

Local Government Property Landscape, Governance and Probity 

This session looks at how good governance and high standards of probity shape good decision making in the local government property space.


This presentation was by Special Counsel, Michael Dowling.

Click here to download the presentation

Webinar Replay



Session 2

Government Grants and Funding The Context for Property Projects

This session covers the following topics: 

  • Designing Grant Guidelines
  • Identifying Grant Recipients
  • Developing Grant Terms
  • Unfair Contract Terms

This presentation was by Principal, Jonathan Teh.

Click here to download the presentation

Webinar Replay



Session 3

Property Disputes, Water Act Claims and Insolvency Risk for Contractors

This session covers the following topics:

  • Insolvency framework under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
  • Voluntary administration and liquidation
  • How can local government protect itself?
  • Ipso facto regime

This presentation was by Principal, Kyle Gillan and Paul Somers.

Click here to download presentation one

Click here to download presentation two

Webinar Replay



Session 4

Agreements for lease and leasing practice update

This session covers the following topics:

  • Heads of agreement
  • Agreement to lease
  • Leasing practice update

This presentation was by Principal, Stella Wild and Associate, Janelle Oh.

Click here to download the presentation


Webinar Replay



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