Aged Care Pride Living Taskforce News 1900 x 500

NEWS: White Paper in Response to Taskforce Recommendation 11: Additional Services

Russell Kennedy is proud to partner with Pride Aged Living on the White Paper on Recommendation 11 of the Aged Care Taskforce. The paper draws extensively on publicly available information, as well as insights from the Pride Aged Living & Russell Kennedy Survey. This survey examines existing models of Additional Services offered by providers and offers valuable insights into the services consumers value most, along with the pricing strategies providers have adopted.

The analysis of providers' perspectives on the proposals within Recommendation 11 highlights both opportunities and challenges from a provider's standpoint. The White Paper presents a well-informed perspective on the issues it addresses.

This White Paper is made possible by our extensive experience and collaboration with Pride Aged Living in working with providers who deliver these services.

We extend our gratitude to the providers who contributed to the Pride Aged Living & Russell Kennedy Survey, and we hope this paper will help shape the future of Additional Services in residential aged care.

Click the button below to read the White Paper.

Pride Living taskforce recommendation 11

Read the White Paper here

                    RK PAL

How we can help?

If you require guidance on additional services, please contact Victor Harcourt, Anita Courtney or Solomon Miller or any other member of our Aged Care Team.

Russell Kennedy’s aged care team can assist providers to comply with additional services requirements.

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