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Kat Tilnak


Bachelor of Laws (Honours), Bachelor of Arts

  • Dispute Resolution
  • Building and Construction
  • Business Law
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Contractual Disputes
  • Debt Recovery
  • Insolvency
  • Litigation

Kat has experience acting for both Plaintiff and Defendant litigants across state and federal jurisdictions. She practices broadly in commercial litigation and dispute resolution with a focus on building and construction disputes, debt recovery, contractual disputes, leasing disputes and insolvency litigation.

Kat assists clients through all stages of the dispute resolution process including preliminary advice, pre-litigation steps, mediations and other forms of alternative dispute resolution, and court or tribunal proceedings.

Kat practices with commercial awareness when navigating through legal issues applicable to each client’s unique matter.


  • Acting for Plaintiff and Defendant Litigants in state and federal jurisdictions in matters before the Victorian Magistrates’ Court, County Court, Supreme Court, Federal Court of Australia, Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Building Appeals Board and Victorian Small Business Commission
  • Advising on and negotiating settlements in debt recovery proceedings and loan enforcement
  • Advising on broad range of commercial disputes including claims for damages arising from breach of contract, repudiation, and shareholder disputes
  • Advising on building and construction disputes including termination of building contracts due to unremedied defects and delay, recovery of compensation for damage sustained as a result of inadequate protection works, and compensation for non-compliant cladding
  • Advising on insolvency litigation including conducting winding up proceedings, recovery of debt from insolvent companies, and recovery of debt from director guarantees
  • Advising on leasing disputes acting on behalf of landlords, tenants and guarantors in disputes regarding non-payment of rent, ineffective assignments of obligations under a lease and forfeiture of bond monies
  • Advising on alternative dispute resolution options and navigating negotiations during mediation


  • Member, Victorian Women Lawyers Work Practices Committee