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Anna-Lisa Ryan

Senior Associate

Bachelor of Laws (Hon), Bachelor of Commerce (Professional Accounting), Graduate Diploma (Legal Practice)

  • Private Clients
  • Private Client Services
  • Estate Planning
  • Probate and Estate Administration

Anna-Lisa has extensive experience in the Wills and Estates sectors from advising clients in relation to their estate planning wishes, to preparing documents that ensure a seamless transfer of assets and control of entities, to managing deceased estates.

Anna-Lisa is passionate about helping clients achieve and put in place estate planning documents to ensure wealth succession in the most asset protective and tax effective manner.


  • Estate Planning for high net worth individuals
  • Estate planning for blended families, those with vulnerable beneficiaries and complex affairs
  • Advising on wealth succession and asset protection
  • Advising on succession of family trusts, insurance and superannuation death benefits
  • Applications for probate and administration
  • Managing deceased estates
  • Preparing Wills (including Wills with Testamentary Trusts), Enduring Powers of Attorney, Appointments of Enduring Guardian, Superannuation Death Benefit Nominations, Loan Agreements and Trust Deed Variations.