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Stephanie Sammut


Bachelor of Laws (LLB), Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, Admission to NSW Supreme Court and High Court of Australia

  • Dispute Resolution
  • Probate and Estate Administration
  • Family Law

Stephanie has been working in the legal industry since prior to her admission as an Associate at RK. This experience has provided her with the ability to assist client’s throughout the duration of their matter and in navigating the Court system. Stephanie is mindful of the time and costs that may be associated with family law matters and she endeavours to resolve matters for clients in the most effective way possible for each of their cases.


  • Representing clients in complex parenting matters including, matters containing serious allegations of domestic violence and sexual abuse, international child abduction and international relocation
  • Representing clients in property matters including spousal maintenance applications and representation in the Supreme Court of NSW
  • Preparing Binding Financial Agreements and Child Support Agreements
  • Representing clients in Local Court and District Court of NSW for criminal matters – previously